The World Bank Group is formulating a new approach to assess the business and investment climate in economies worldwide. Please review the proposed pre-concept note and consider the value it could bring to private sector development, economic reforms and research.
Consultation for the Business Enabling Environment Project
The consultations on the BEE project recently concluded. Feedback from civil society and private sector organizations, think tanks, academic experts, international development organizations, and governments will be made publicly available within a week on this website.
The World Bank Group – Global Indicators Group in the Development Economics Vice-presidency (DECIG) – is formulating a new approach to assessing the business and investment climate in economies worldwide following the discontinuation of the Doing Business project. The intended flagship data and report – working title Business Enabling Environment (BEE) – will be designed, piloted, and implemented taking into consideration the views of subject experts and potential users in government, the private sector, and civil society.
We are looking for feedback and contributions on the pre-concept note of the BEE project. We invite you to review the proposed approach and consider the value it could bring to private sector development, economic reforms, and research in general. The primary objective of the consultation is to receive comments on the BEE project’s relevance and design adequacy. Our goal is to develop a rigorous, high-quality product in a constructive, transparent, and accountable manner.
The deadline to provide feedback has been extended to March 15. Please send us your comments and feedback. You can send your feedback in any of the official World Bank languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish).
As stated in the pre-concept note, the objective of the BEE project is to provide a quantitative assessment of the business environment for private sector development, with regular annual frequency and for most economies worldwide. BEE’s development purpose is to advocate for policy reform and to inform economic research and specific policy advice.
If you and/or your organization are interested in providing your views, please review the attached BEE pre-concept note and organize your input by responding to the questions by March 15, 2022.
To help ensure transparency and accountability of the consultation process, all feedback received will be made publicly available, unless you explicitly request to keep it confidential.
Please note that we will not be able to provide written responses to specific inputs. We will, however, circulate the revised and final version of the concept note to all stakeholders who provided comments. While we will review all received comments and recommendations, we hope that you will understand that not all comments and perspectives can be incorporated into the final version of the BEE concept note.
We look forward to hearing from you.