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Consultations on the World Bank's New Country Engagement Approach

As part of its Evolution Process, the World Bank Group is reviewing its country engagement approach to align it with its new vision and mission while becoming more efficient, outcome-focused, and more systematic in tapping into private sector solutions wherever possible. 

To inform the new country engagement approach, we will hold formal consultations with external stakeholders. Online consultations opened on January 16, 2025, and consultation meetings will be held in all seven operational regions of the WBG starting February. The consultations will close on March 17, 2025. The meetings will follow a hybrid format, combining in-person and virtual participation. Rethinking the Approach to WBG Country Engagement will provide the basis for consultations. To see the consultations outreach plan, click here.

Note: The approach paper is now available in Arabic, Chinese, FrenchPortuguese, Russian, and Spanish.


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In a rapidly changing world, the World Bank Group is working hard and evolving to prepare for tomorrow’s unforeseen challenges. We have made a lot of progress, including a new Scorecard that gives us the ability to assess and monitor our impact, a Crisis Preparedness and Response Toolkit, which over 50 countries have already adopted, and a one-stop Guarantee Platform that provides simpler access to our services. We have also increased our capacity to deliver financing to support the development goals of our client countries and help them address the global challenges they face. This is all part of our new playbook to be more ambitious, and help countries succeed.

As part of our efforts to create a Better Bank, we are focusing on our engagement with countries to support them address development challenges with greater impact.  We plan to better align it with our new vision and mission while being more efficient, outcome-focused, and more systematic in tapping into private sector solutions wherever possible. The approach we propose aims to live up to our country-based development model. It will prioritize a country’s development goals and the WBG’s new mission, while drawing on our strengthened comparative advantage and global expertise.