The World Bank Group is preparing a Country Partnership Framework (CPF) 2018-2023 with Romania. The process involves consultations with different stakeholders, including private sector, local and national authorities, academia, civil society organizations, international financial institutions and diplomatic community, to gauge diverse views on Romania’s development challenges and ways in which the World Bank Group can help address them most effectively.
Romania Country Partnership Framework 2018-2023
The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) is the World Bank’s strategy document, which outlines areas of assistance and prioritizes World Bank Group support to Romania’s development agenda.
Despite substantial economic progress in recent decades, and one of the highest economic growth rates in the EU in recent years, Romania hasn’t managed to translate its high growth into solid poverty reduction. The country continues to experience a series of challenges, including poor quality of and access to public services, especially in health and education, a business environment that faces unpredictability and lack of policy continuity, and high vulnerability to manmade and natural shocks.
The CPF is selective in that it focuses on specific objectives where there is the greatest development need, where the government sees catalytic roles for the World Bank Group’s support, and where the Group itself has distinct value.
Consultations include both face-to-face meetings with different stakeholders, including private sector, local and national authorities, academia, civil society organizations, international financial institutions and diplomatic community, as well as an online consultation platform.
The objective of the online consultations is to seek broader feedback and comments from all interested parties, locally and internationally, on the overarching objectives of the CPF. For additional details, please consult the attached Powerpoint Presentation.
We expect to hear views from various groups and individuals to finalize the document and ensure that it is relevant and realistic in tackling Romania’s development needs, as well as to use these views as an instrument to measure progress in achieving our objectives in the country.
Please send your comments, questions or suggestions to Victor Neagu, Communications Officer for Romania, at the following email address:
We would also appreciate if you could fill out the following brief survey to help us better prioritize our engagement at the country level:
Video: Tatiana Proskuryakova - Country Manager for Romania and Hungary on CPF Consultations
Consultation Phase :