Online Consultation
We would like to hear from you: How can developing countries benefit from the #data economy? How can we use and reuse data for good while mitigating negative outcomes? Share your ideas on data governance and policy reforms.
We would like to hear from you: How can developing countries benefit from the #data economy? How can we use and reuse data for good while mitigating negative outcomes? Share your ideas on data governance and policy reforms.
Integrating public and private data offers tremendous potential to improve the lives of poor people, but also opens backdoors that can harm people, businesses and societies.
The World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives will examine how this changing data landscape can benefit people in low- and middle-income countries. One of its central message will be that much of its value is untapped and is waiting to be realized.
The report will describe how data can be used more effectively to improve development outcomes through better public policies, program design and service delivery as well as to improve market efficiency and job creation through more private sector growth.
The report will also focus on what new governance, laws and policies are needed to realize these benefits while safeguarding against potential harmful outcomes.
While we will review and document all received comments and recommendations, they may not be necessarily incorporated into the final version of the report.
You can find more details of our plan at the WDR 2021 website, which will be updated as new consultations are planned. Do review our concept note and send us your comments by June 30, 2020. We look forward to hearing from you.
Consultation Phase :
May 6, 2020 - June 30, 2020