We Want to Hear From You
Help us analyze the economic and social situation of the Republic of Congo by answering a few questions.
These consultations will continue online until December 17, 2017.
Help us analyze the economic and social situation of the Republic of Congo by answering a few questions.
These consultations will continue online until December 17, 2017.
The World Bank Group is organizing public consultations between November 27 and December 17, 2017 as it prepares the new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) that will define the Bank’s specific, priority areas of engagement with the Republic of Congo over the next four years. The field-based consultations will be held from November 27 to December 10, 2017, while the online consultations will continue up to December 17, 2017. This will be the first time that consultations will also be held online to enable a majority of the Congolese population to participate.
These public consultations will be conducted throughout the country and will include in-person meetings with partners, various private and public sector stakeholders, civil society representatives, and the general population.
In your view, what are the main development priorities of the Republic of Congo?
Our teams had already traveled throughout the country some months ago to carry out a systematic country diagnostic (SCD) of the economic and social situation in the Republic of Congo. This entailed identifying the most pressing challenges to be overcome and defining the development opportunities to be harnessed to help the country accelerate the fight against extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity by 2030. The preparation of the new strategy will be informed by the conclusions of this diagnostic as well as by the recent report on poverty in the Republic of Congo. It will then draw also on the second National Development Plan (PND) that the Government is in the process of finalizing as well as on all the analytical studies produced by the World Bank and available online.
On the basis of all these studies, we have already identified the following areas of intervention:
Here are a few questions to get the deliberations rolling:
Everyone. All Congolese nationals have an interest in the development of their country. The aim of the consultations is to gather the suggestions of the country’s main stakeholders -- namely, the Government, universities, civil society organizations, development partners, the private sector, local communities, and even Congolese in the diaspora -- on the development priorities of their country so that these views can be reflected in the Country Partnership Framework.
As part of your contribution to the future development of your country, you are invited to share your views on the questions posed above or on any other issue that you might consider more appropriate.
We will publish a summary of the results of these consultations once they are completed.
Please send your suggestions or comments by email to Franck Bitemo: fbitemo@worldbank.org
Consultation Phase :