Since the implementation of the strategy, the WBG has strengthened its engagement in FCV settings but several key challenges have emerged. Addressing these challenges is critical in responding to the needs of our partners in FCV environments, and to sustain and adapt our operations. To continue effective engagement, the WBG needs to adapt in volatile environments; be effective on the prevention and transition agenda; and increasingly engage on FCV in middle-income countries, and with the private sector.
The primary objective of the consultation is to receive comments and feedback on the implementation of the strategy. This feedback will help identify areas where the WBG may need to adjust how it works in and on FCV for the remainder of the FCV Strategy period and beyond. This consultation is not an exercise to revise the FCV Strategy or its framework. We invite you to review the background note, FAQs and strategy to inform your feedback. Your input will be synthesized and will feed into a Mid-term Review document to be finalized in Fall 2023.
Our goal is to develop a rigorous, high-quality product in a constructive, transparent, and accountable manner.
Please send us your comments and feedback. The deadline to provide feedback is May 20, 2023. You can send your feedback in any of the official World Bank languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish)