The World Bank Group has started the preparation of its new strategy to strengthen its partnership with Senegal. This process involves two main phases: (i) the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) which aims to identify the country’s main development constraints and priorities; and (ii) the Country Partnership Framework which determines the priorities for the World Bank Group’s engagement with the country.
Public Consultations to Inform the World Bank Group’s Systematic Country Diagnostic of the Economic and Social Situation in Senegal
The World Bank Group has started the preparation of its new strategy to strengthen its partnership with Senegal. This process involves two main phases: (i) the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) which aims to identify the country’s main development constraints and priorities; and (ii) the Country Partnership Framework which determines the priorities for the World Bank Group’s engagement with the country.
Launch of public consultations on the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD)
To inform the SCD, the World Bank Group has started public consultations to identify and analyze the most binding constraints and the main opportunities that Senegal needs to address to achieve the twin goals of extreme poverty reduction and shared prosperity. The consultations started on March with ministries and will continue until August 31, 2017. On July 22, consultations with a group of prominent CSOs have been organized in partnership with the NGO Council (CONGAD).
Apart from the government, a series of meetings are planned with other key stakeholders, including: parliamentarians, civil society, private sector, development partners, faith-based organizations, academia, unions, etc.
Online consultations are also organized (from June 28 to August 31 2017) to allow a wider participation.
Share your views
- Is there a link between vested interests and / or corporatism and the implementation of reforms?
- Are sociocultural norms limiting access to opportunities by individuals?
- What, in your opinion, are the most binding constraints that are preventing Senegal from achieving progress in its poverty reduction efforts?
- What, in your opinion, are the main elements that affect economic growth, social inclusion and sustainability?
- What, in your opinion, are the main opportunities for achieving poverty reduction and shared prosperity?
- What are the most important levers on which actions should be taken to create an environment that is most favorable for Senegal’s economic and social development?
Please share your views with us, taking into consideration the key questions listed above.
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Thank you!
Consultation Phase :