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Procurement Policy Review: Consultations

New Proposed Framework for Procurement

The World Bank has a new Procurement Framework. After a 3-year review period, the Board of Directors approved a new Procurement Policy that supports clients to achieve value for money with integrity in delivering sustainable development. The Framework goes into effect in early 2016. All related documents are available on this website under "Details" for Phase 3 of the review.

About the Review

On July 21, 2015, the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a new policy governing procurement in projects financed by the Bank. The new Procurement Framework will allow the World Bank to better respond to the needs of client countries, while preserving robust procurement standards throughout Bank-supported projects.

The new Procurement Framework will go into effect in 2016. Value for money, sustainable development and integrity are the vision of the new approach. It will help clients get better development results as it gives the World Bank the space and capacity to significantly increase its support to help countries develop their own procurement systems. For the first time, the World Bank will allow any contract award decisions to be based on criteria other than lowest price, including quality and sustainability.

The World Bank started its first comprehensive overhaul of its procurement system in 2012. The goal of the reform was to move from a one-size-fits-all policy to a fit-for-purpose policy.


The World Bank consulted widely during the review to ensure that the views of shareholders and stakeholders are represented. A first phase of consultations was held from May 2012 through February 2013. The second phase ran between August and December 2014. In total, the World Bank received input from about 5,000 stakeholders in close to 100 countries, representing government, the private sector, academia, and civil society.

Feedback from Consultations: Phase I

Input from consultations, Independent Advisory Group, World Bank staff, and thematic background studies conducted during the first phase of the review suggests that a new framework should reflect complexity and diversity, take into account proportionality, and support client institutions. Key inputs from the consultations are available in this brief summary. To see the executive summary of all feedback received during the consultations see here.

Feedback from Consultations: Phase II

Stakeholders widely welcomed the proposals of the draft Procurement Framework, especially the core principles of value for money and fit for purpose. Capacity building was at the top of the list of concerns of most stakeholders. A list of comments and Bank responses can be accessed here.